Colorado mule deer have always been a very big deal in the west. People have dreamt about drawing a good tag in Colorado to chase these amazing animals. Some have questioned the departments intentions when it comes to the way mule deer have been managed. Well now is your chance to let your voice be heard. The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department is accepting public comments until May 25th on proposed changes to management plans.

Three plans have been proposed for the following deer herds:
  1. North Tablelands, South Platter River, & South Tablelands Deer Herds covers Game Management Units (GMUs) 87, 88, 89, 90 and 95. This area is also referred to as the Data Analysis Unit (DAU) D-05.
  2. Cripple Creek & Wet Mountain Deer Herds covers GMUs 91, 92, 94, 96, & 951. The area is also referred to as DAU D-44.
  3. Two Buttes Pronghorn Herd covers GMUs 93, 97, 98, 99, & 100. The area is also referred to as DAU D-55.

The department is seeking input from the public on the ideas that have been submitted. This will allow all sportsmen and women to have their voices heard. Follow the link to research what changes have been proposed and see if they align with how you think these specific herds should be managed.

The CPW uses historical information of these herds to come up with a plan that will help to better manage the population of Colorado mule deer and the habitat in which they live. You can contact wildlife biologist Marty Stratman to submit your information whether you are for or against these changes. You should read through it and be honest and if there is something you don’t agree with let them know. Let them know what you, the person that is hunting these animals and is in their habitat often, want to see them do to manage these deer better.

Let us know how you feel about the proposed changes from the CPW. Think they will help the mule deer herds and hunting in these areas?

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