NDWF RECEIVES GRANT FROM MOUNTAIN DEW – Nonprofit foundations receive grant money from many diverse companies throughout the world.  Hunting nonprofit foundations usually receive those funds from companies associated with the industry.  However, for the North Dakota Wildlife Federation, a unique company was willing to help out.

NDWF Grant

The North Dakota Wildlife Federation (NDWF) has a commitment that they call the R3.  The R3 stands for Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation of hunters.  Recruiting new hunters helps build the passion.  Retention and reactivation ensures the passion continues for many generations.

Mountain Dew, a Pepsi company, recognizes the NDWF’s focus on the R3.  They have awarded the NDWF with a $5,000 dollar grant to help push the R3 forward.

“We’re thrilled to receive a $5,000 grant through MTN DEW’s Outdoor Grants program, which reinforces the important work we’re doing to create a new generation of hunters and anglers here in North Dakota,” said John Bradley, Executive Director of the North Dakota Wildlife Federation.

“The funds will go a long way to help our affiliates who were unable hold banquets this year and will also help NDWF meet our mission of conserving, protecting and enhancing wildlife for the continuing benefit of everyone.” NDWF plans to use the $5,000 grant to support their affiliate clubs’ youth and women hunts, as well as their conservation education.

Other Mountain Dew Grants

Mountain Dew is providing many grants across the country.  They want to help others enjoy God’s greatest gifts.  This year, they pledged $100,000 to help organizations like the NDWF.  The NDWF will utilize their funds to develop more mentor and youth hunts.  They hope to get more young and inexperienced hunters into the outdoors.

It’s amazing to see companies like Mountain Dew getting involved in hunting and fishing.  What other companies have you seen get involved that surprised you?

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