Idaho Wildlife Feeding Program Addresses Concerns for Struggling Animals

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game, in collaboration with the Southeast Region Winter Feeding Advisory Committee (WFAC), has initiated the Idaho Wildlife Feeding Program to address concerns with struggling animals in the Southeast Region.

Since early February, the Idaho Fish and Game has been providing winter feeding actions at several high-priority locations throughout the region. These locations were selected based on winter-feeding criteria and input from WFAC members, with a focus on addressing concerns related to struggling animals, conflicts with animals in haystacks and feedlines, and public safety concerns with animals on highways and roads.

The Idaho Wildlife Feeding Program has added new high-priority sites each week, with the goal of providing assistance to as many animals as possible while focusing efforts on high-priority locations. Factors considered when selecting feeding sites include accessibility, distance from roads and highways, seclusion from public disturbance, and number of animals reached. All feed sites are located on private property except where noted.

Current Feeding Locations

The Idaho Fish and Game expressed gratitude to local, state, federal, and county agencies, as well as private landowners and volunteers who have provided assistance with the authorized feeding operations so far.

The current feeding sites authorized by the Idaho Fish and Game for deer include several locations:

  • Bear Lake State Park
  • Indian Creek/Dry Canyon
  • Montpelier Canyon
  • St. Charles
  • Paris Canyon
  • Fish Haven
  • Cub River
  • Mink Creek
  • Little Mountain
  • Soda Hills

Likewise, Elk are being fed in the following locations:

  • Banks Valley
  • Liberty area
  • Stockton Canyon
  • Dayton area
  • Montpelier Wildlife Management Area

Several additional feed sites have been authorized in areas throughout the region to address localized conflicts with elk in feedlines.

The Idaho Fish and Game will continue to meet regularly with the Winter Feeding Advisory Committee to monitor winter conditions and address winter-feeding actions. For updates on the Idaho Wildlife Feeding Program, please visit the Idaho Fish and Game website or the Southeast Region Idaho Fish and Game Facebook page.

You can read more about this feeding program by clicking here. Likewise, you can read more Idaho hunting news by clicking here.

So, what are your thoughts on this feeding program? Do you think it will help the wildlife? let us know in the comments!

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