Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) responded to a call placed by a resident of a Colorado Springs home. A bear had entered through a screen door. Upon arrival, CPW officers found the bear still inside the home sitting on the resident’s couch.

According to CPW wildlife officers, the bear could have been lured by a bird feeder and container of cat food found on the resident’s porch. Residents had also been cooking bacon at the time of entry. CPW had previously relocated the bear from a Northeast region neighborhood. However, the bear found its’ way back to the populated area to look for food. After assessing the safety of the community, wildlife officials made the decision to euthanize the bear to protect against potential attacks and additional property damage.

“Our mission is to protect wildlife. When bears become habituated to people, they can become a threat to public safety. This is why it is so important that our community works together to keep wildlife wild.” – District Wildlife Manager Cassidy English

Be #BearAware

Wildlife officials are reminding citizens that bears are coming out of hibernation and will be in search of food. According to a post from CPW’s Twitter account, CPW wildlife officers have received reports of bear activity in eight Colorado counties in 2020, urging their residents to be #BearAware.

Interaction between people and bears can be traced to easily accessible human food, garbage, or other attractants. A bear can naturally overcome its wariness of humans while looking for food. It is important for residents to be mindful of possible attractants that could place you or wildlife in danger.

For more information to protect your home and wildlife: visit for educational materials on Bear-Proofing Your Home and Living with Wildlife.

What are some precautions you take to protect your home and wildlife? Let us know in the comments!

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