NEW ARIZONA HUNTING OPPORTUNITIES – Hunters are always looking for more ways to get into the field.  Whether it’s expo tags, dream hunt tags, or a raffle, hunters love more opportunities.  In Arizona, they have created a new way to do just that.

Big Game Opportunities

Arizona is offering new big game opportunities this year.  The new hunts will give hunters a chance to draw an elk, mule deer and whitetail permit tag.  Arizona is not hiding the reason behind these tags stating, “[the tags will] generate revenue to support wildlife conservation efforts across the state.”

The draw for these hunts will open next week on November 29th.  They will close the same week on December 3rd.  Hunters will have to jump on this draw quickly if they want to get a tag.  Successful applicants to these hunts will be contacted by the Arizona Game and Fish department the following week, where payment will be required.

The AZGFD wants to ensure applicants do not get this draw confused with the main application period.  This application period will not impact a hunters preference points or main draw entries in any way.  Animals harvested in these hunts will not impact the bag limits from the other hunts.  Meaning, if you draw this tag and harvest a mule deer in January of 2022, you can still harvest another mule deer that same year.

Big Game Permits

The following permits will be available:

  • Elk (any elk): Dec. 20, 2021-Feb. 15, 2022. Open areas: Game management units 1, 27.
  • Elk (any elk): Dec. 20, 2021-Feb. 15, 2022. Open areas: Game management units 9, 10.
  • Mule deer (antlered): Dec. 20, 2021-Feb. 15, 2022. Open areas: Game management units 10, 17A, 17B, 19A, 19B, 20A.
  • Mule deer (antlered): Dec. 20, 2021-Feb. 15, 2022. Open areas: Game management units 39, 40A, 40B, 41, 42, 43A, 43B, 44A, 44B, 45A, 45B, 45C.
  • White-tailed deer (antlered): Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2022. Open areas: 29, 30A, 30B, 31, 32, 33, 34A, 34B, 35A, 35B, 36A, 36B, 36C.
  • White-tailed deer (antlered): Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 2022. Open areas: 21, 22, 23, 24A, 24B.

Additional Information

  • This is discretionary. The objective is to generate revenue.  In hopes of maintaining operations without increasing limited entry permit prices.
  • The issuance of a specific number of limited-entry permit-tags will not adversely affect management objectives for a species or area. These hunts will not impact the number of  permit-tags made available for the annual draws. The related harvest will have an insignificant impact on wildlife populations.
  • A valid Arizona hunting (or combination hunt and fish) license is not needed at the time of application.  The customer will need to obtain one if drawn for a limited-entry permit-tag.
  • Applicants can select up to six limited-entry permit-tag hunts on one application. Multiple applications will not be accepted.
  • At the time of application, a customer shall submit the required application fee ($13 for Arizona residents, $15 for nonresidents) for each selected hunt number.
  • Each customer must apply individually.
  • After an application has been saved, a customer cannot begin a new one.
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