Colorado Parks & Wildlife officials are seeking information regarding the person who illegally shot a mule deer through its nose. Last week residents of Durango, Colorado spotted a mule deer buck in the area that had an arrow sticking through its naval cavity. Officers responded to the scene and were able to locate the buck. After a short planning session, a CPW wildlife official was able to shoot the buck with a tranquilizer dart.
“This has nothing to do with hunting. This was someone being stupid.” – CPW spokesman Joe Lewandowski.
Helping the Deer Out
Shortly after the buck was darted, officials found the buck, and veterinary staff began an examination. During the examination, the staff inspected the nose wound caused by the arrow. Likewise, they removed the arrow and checked for further infection. Fortunately for the buck, the arrow only went through soft tissue and no bones appeared broken. The arrow its self was not a hunting arrow. Instead, it looked to be a cheap, target practice type arrow without the ability to have a broadhead attached. On top of that, archery season hasn’t been open since September. After having the arrow removed, the deer was given a drug to help it wake up. Eventually, the buck regained consciousness and bounded away.
“No one has seen it since. Hopefully, the deer makes it. If deer are becoming a problem on private property, they can be chased away or you can call us for advice. This looks like someone was not being very smart.” – CPW spokesman Joe Lewandowski
Hunting and shooting are illegal within Durango city limits, even during established hunting seasons. However, as stated by Lewandowski, this had nothing to do with hunting. Lewandowski and the CPW are still looking for information on who shot the deer. CPW is asking anyone with information into the incident to call them at 970-247-0855. Likewise, you can call Operation Game Thief at 877-265-6648.
What are your thoughts on this deer illegally being shot? Have you ever found someone poaching? Let us know in the comments!