OREGON COURTS UPHOLD WOLF DELISTING – Appeals Courts Judges dismissed a lawsuit filed by three environmental groups on Wednesday, 11/27/19. The lawsuit challenged Oregon’s decision to remove wolves from endangered species protections. The Capital Press reported that appeals court Judges upheld the delisting. The ruling determined that HB 4040 rendered the environmentalists’ petition moot. Judges have dismissed this appeal twice.
Essentially, Oregon does not provide protections for wolves but the Feds still do via the Endangered Species Act. Oregon wildlife officials removed wolves from Oregon’s endangered species list in 2015. Lawmakers passed a bill backing that move in 2016. Wolves are federally protected west of highways 395, 78 and 95 in Oregon.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) provides great information on the state’s wolf population.
Cascadia Wildlands, Oregon Wild and the Center for Biological Diversity appealed the 2015/2016 decisions and sued to reverse the delisting. Their arguments suggested the delisting was premature and not based on sound science.
The Oregon Farm Bureau released a statement.
“Oregon Farm Bureau (OFB) and Oregon Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) intervened in the lawsuit to support the delisting decision and ensure the Court understood the impacts on ranching families.
The Court held today that a bill championed by OCA and OFB, which delisted the gray wolf, rendered the case moot and the challenge was dismissed.
This is a huge win for ranch families and the livestock industry, which have long advocated for responsible wolf management in Oregon.“
Under strict requirements, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife does allow killing wolves in the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan.
Livestock depredation continues to plague Oregon farms. A ‘probable’ wolf attack resulted in 23 dead sheep and a separate attack targeted cattle.
Should wolves remain Federally protected in Oregon? In the lower 48?