Strange coyote behavior has been reported in and around an Idaho town in recent weeks!

Residents of Sandpoint, Idaho have been reporting a noticeable increase in coyote activity in recent weeks. This has caused concern for the safety of both locals and visitors. The reports started with coyotes chasing skiers down slopes at Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort. Then they were seem roaming a business district near downtown Sandpoint during daylight hours. Lastly, they even were attacking humans. These reports are highly unusual and raise alarm.

Monitoring The Strange Coyote Behavior

The IDFGD is closely monitoring the situation and working with local law enforcement and the ski resort to address the issue. Although there have been very few documented cases of rabies in land mammals in Idaho, the department has taken action by capturing and testing one of the offending coyotes.

The most likely explanation for this unusual coyote behavior is habituation to humans. Coyotes are known to be secretive and nocturnal animals, but when they become habituated to human presence or food sources, they can act in an uncharacteristic manner and pose a threat to people. These coyotes may have become accustomed to human interaction and learned to associate humans with food.

It is imperative to note that feeding wild animals, including coyotes, is illegal in Idaho and can result in serious consequences. Feeding coyotes can lead to habituation and potentially dangerous behavior toward humans. If you or someone you know encounters a coyote, it is recommended to immediately contact the Panhandle Regional. Please do not approach, feed, touch, or harass the animal.

In conclusion, the recent reports of unusual coyote behavior in and around Sandpoint, Idaho are a cause for concern. While the exact cause is unknown, it is believed that the coyotes have become habituated to humans due to the feeding of wild animals. To ensure public safety, it is crucial to avoid feeding coyotes and to report any unusual behavior to the Panhandle Regional office.

You can read more about these strange encounters by clicking here. Likewise, you can read more Idaho hunting news by clicking here.

What are your thoughts on these strange encounters? Have you ever had to deal with something like this before? Let us know in the comments!

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