The WGFD and its partners have been working tirelessly to convert traditional fences into wildlife-friendly ones in Sublette County. This has really taken off in the last five years. As part of the Upper Green Wildlife-Friendly Fence Initiative, over 500 miles of fence have been converted in the county. Likewise, close to 700 miles of fence have been converted over the last decade.

The Upper Green Wildlife-Friendly Fence Initiative is a collaborative effort between the Game and Fish Department, Sublette County Conservation District, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, federal agencies, and non-governmental organizations. The effort not only helps convert old fences to wildlife-friendly ones on private lands but also prioritizes modifications and removals in crucial habitats for big game.

Fencing Projects In Sublette County

Landowner participation has been crucial to the success of the program. Troy Fieseler, a terrestrial habitat biologist in the Pinedale Region of the Game and Fish Department, stated that “we wouldn’t be where we are today without them.”

Most of the area with converted fencing is in migratory habitat for mule deer and pronghorn in Sublette County. This supports the Game and Fish Department’s efforts to prioritize conservation work in these crucial habitats, as well as in the Wyoming Range mule deer herd.

Not only do ungulates benefit from this work, but sage grouse do as well. Improving the visibility of the top wire in some fence conversions helps sage grouse.

The Initiative also complements the partnership between the United States Department of Agriculture and the State of Wyoming through the Big Game Conservation Partnership. The partnership has provided additional funding to landowners through several programs, including wildlife-friendly fence modifications.

In conclusion, the Upper Green Wildlife-Friendly Fence Initiative in Sublette County has been a massive success, with over 500 miles of fence converted in the last five years. The collaborative effort between various organizations and agencies, as well as the crucial participation of landowners, has led to this success. Not only do ungulates benefit from this work, but sage grouse do as well. This initiative also complements the Big Game Conservation Partnership, which provides additional funding to landowners for wildlife-friendly fence modifications.

You can read more about this fencing project by clicking here. Likewise, you can read more Wyoming hunting news by clicking here.

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