WASHINGTON BAN ON HUNTING COMPETITIONS – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has been urged to consider banning hunting competitions. Coyote hunt competitions are specifically in question. The idea being pushed is to eliminate hunting competitions in Washington out of ethical and social concerns.

UPDATE: 3/5/20

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has been urged to consider banning hunting competitions. Coyote hunt competitions are specifically in question. In this newscast we visit with Anis Aoude, the Game Division Manager for the DFW, about these hunting bans.  He shares some great information on the reason for the bans and what they’ll impact.

Coyotes are notoriously resilient, prolific and bold. A man recently had to kill a coyote with his bare hands that had attacked his child.

Who Urged The Ban Idea And Why

Barbara Baker, Thurston County Commissioner, asked the WDFW Commission to consider banning hunting competitions.

“Sometimes we have to do something for social reasons and this is one of them, in my mind. This is the kind of thing that gives hunters a bad name.”

Opponents believe such competitions are not necessary. WDFW has been asked to issue a CR-101. The document will announce the intent to review or write new rules. Decisions are FAR from decided.

What Is A Hunting Competition And Why Do They Exist

A hunting competition is simply an organized event where participants compete for bragging rights and/or prizes on the basis of predator control. In keeping with all state regulations, the goal is usually to take as many coyotes as possible within a given timeframe.

Rural communities encourage predator control. Without managing coyote populations, livestock and pets are at risk of predation. Controlling predators helps improve deer fawn, elk calf and turkey poult survivability.

However, there is research indicating some negative impact to natural fauna potentially attributed to hunting pressure. It is the same principle observed with feral hogs. The harder and more frequent they are hunted, the more prolific their breeding and pack rearing.

What Is Fair

  • It is fair to understand that Baker is responsible to constituents within Thurston County. If residents there desire to have this conversation, she has some responsibility to express that.
  • It is fair to recognize Baker’s concern that competitions can [not always] reflect poorly on the hunting community. The hunting community can do a better job of educating the non-hunting community.
  • It is fair to expect WDFW to pay attention to social concerns.
  • It is fair to expect WDFW not to prioritize social concerns over conserving natural resources.

WDFW Comments

“There is no biological reason to either promote or eliminate contests. It seems like the way society is progressing, these things are probably not as accepted as they once were. From our perspective, biologically, it’s not an issue. We do consider the social parts of it as well.”
Anis Aoude, WDFW Game Division Manager

“Our responsibility is first and foremost conservation of the resource. If there is no issue with conservation of the resource, then for me it becomes one of these social issues. I feel like I shouldn’t take one side or the other. I’m trying to first preserve the resource, and then if it’s available provide it to the entire public.”
Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Kim Thorburn

Citizens of Washington should take the time to contact their State Representative(s) and Senator.

Where do you stand on banning predator control competitions?

Source Article: Washington Fish and Wildlife commission considers ban on hunting competitions by Eli Francovich

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