The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) approved and released a modified Resource Management Plan for the Uncompahgre field office. On April 10, 2020, the Uncompahgre field office released a Record of Decision and the approved RMP. The RMP governs oil and gas leasing, recreation, livestock grazing and other land uses on western Colorado federal lands. These changes affect the following GMUs (or portions of): 411, 52, 521, 53, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 70.

Colorado Hunting Changes

Separately don’t forget other recent changes to Colorado hunting regulations and Colorado archery elk license changes, also in western Colorado.


Affected Areas

The plan covers land uses on about 1,056 square miles of federal lands. It also includes about 1,563 square miles of federal mineral estate in parts of the following western Colorado counties: Montrose, Delta, Gunnison, Ouray, San Miguel and Mesa.

Environmental Concerns

Last year, Democratic Gov. Jared Polis requested changes to include more environmental protections and restrictions to oil and gas leasing and development. The Governor’s requested modifications ensure the suitability of big game and bird winter range, migration and production in western Colorado.

The BLM received several protests against the proposal regarding environmental concerns. Kathleen Sgamma, President at the Western Energy Alliance Oil and Gas Trade Association, rebutted protests. She argued the law allows multiple land uses, including oil and natural gas development and cited the Governor’s modifications for already enhanced environmental protections and restrictions.

From the Uncompahgre Field Office

“In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the BLM Uncompahgre Field Office in Colorado is revising the BLM Uncompahgre Resource Management Plan (RMP) for over 675,000 acres of BLM-administered surface lands and 971,220 acres of federal mineral estate.

The Uncompahgre Planning Area includes lands in Delta, Gunnison, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel counties in southwestern Colorado. It does not include the Gunnison Gorge or Dominguez-Escalante national conservation areas, which are managed under separate RMPs. The Approved RMP will replace the Uncompahgre Basin RMP (1989) and applicable portions of the San Juan/San Miguel Planning Area RMP (1985).

Do you hunt or plan to hunt these areas? How does this affect your planning?

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