WOLF TRAPPING COURSES IN IDAHO – As most people know, the wolf numbers in Idaho continue to grow steadily.  Hunters, ranchers and farmers are working hard to lower these numbers, but more is needed.  Another way of managing wolf numbers in Idaho is trapping, and the state is offering courses to educate individuals.

Wolf Trapping Courses

Trapping animals is an art.  The number of trappers vs hunters is minimal.  This is partially due to the complexity of trapping animals, especially wolves.  To help hunters and furbearers learn the techniques of trapping wolves, the state of Idaho is offering classes on how to trap wolves.

Here is what you need to know about the courses:

  • Anyone intending to trap wolves in Idaho must attend wolf trapper education prior to setting wolf traps.
  • Anyone intending to trap wolves that did NOT hold an Idaho trapping license prior to 2011 is required to take BOTH trapper and wolf-trapper education. So, if that applies to you, check for upcoming trapper education classes as well.
  • Students must pre-register for a wolf trapping class online at https://idfg.idaho.gov/hunt/education. Cost of each class is $9.75.
  • A wolf trapper education class provides students with interactive, hands-on training from experienced, certified trapper instructors.
  • Only one class (either 4 or 8 hours) is required for certification. The longer class option allows for more discussion about techniques and affords time for trap setting demonstrations.
  • Wolf trapper education classes are usually taught just a few times a year in most regions– so if you need a class, sign up now!

Do Your Part

It is important that individuals help in the management of the wolves, especially in Idaho.  As mentioned above, the number of wolves continue to grow in the state.  Hunters and other individuals need to do their part.  If anyone has been interested in becoming a trapper, the state of Idaho encourages them to attend these courses and begin trapping.

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